Calling for Volunteers at Language Exchange “Talk Café”!


Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation is hosting a language exchange program called “Talk Café,” where local residents can learn foreign languages and become friends with foreigners. Let’s find out what kind of activities are prepared at Talk Cafe.

It is an English language exchange program targeting Pyeongtaek residents who are over the age of 19. The program intends to boost Pyeongtaek citizens’ foreign language skills. The foreigners who volunteer will talk freely with Pyeongtaek residents during the class to learn more about each other’s culture.

Talk Cafe is held every Monday and Wednesday at 10 am-12 pm and 7 pm-9 pm. The classes are divided into basic and intermediate levels.

Due to COVID-19, Talk Cafe is operated online at this time. We’re waiting for the volunteers who want to have conversations and make friends with Pyeongtaek residents. Check out the details at the link below!

We welcome all volunteers for Talk Cafe, a language exchange program where you can meet friends and learn about each other’s culture.

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