There are many foreigners living in Pyeongtaek. Other than just the U.S. military, there are also foreigners from various countries all gathered in Pyeongtaek. There must be difficulties with living in a country other than your own, right? That's why in Pyeongtaek, we are operating a Foreigner Information Center to help foreigners live in Korea more easily! Let's look into the types of services provided!
The Pyeongtaek Foreigner Information Center is a place that provides various information and services to help foreigners in Pyeongtaek to live in Korea more comfortably. It provides assistance with administrative work and information on everyday life (e.g., transportation, culture, etc.), alien registration cards, visas and immigration. In addition, professional consultations, interpreting services and information on how to access medical services and facilities are offered. You can also receive free consultations from lawyers, labor attorneys and administrative officers.

However, you must make a prior reservation to receive professional consultations and interpreting services! Please take note of how to make reservations on the Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation’s website! The Pyeongtaek Foreigner Information Center is available to all ages and does not charge additional fees.
Please fill out a form to receive consultations and send it via email to pief.infocenter@gmail.com. You can download the form from PIEF’s website. We hope you can gain valuable information through the Pyeongtaek Foreigner Information Center!
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