Today, we will teach you some helpful sentences you can use when you meet some Korean friends or ask something in the street to a stranger.

1. Young-oh hal su itsoom nika? 영어 할 수 있습니까?
When you go around in Korea, there are moments you need to communicate with people. This sentence means “Do you speak English?” Some Koreans are able to speak English, so you can use this sentence to ask if the person speaks English.

2. Moosoon tu si-eyo? 무슨 뜻이에요?
This sentence refers to “What does this mean? / What do you mean?” You can use this expression when you do not understand what the other party said or when you find some picture or text you do not know, to ask the meaning.

3. Iroomi Moyeyo? 이름이 뭐예요?
This means “What is your name?” and you can use this sentence to ask the name of the person you are talking to.

4. Igo jooseyo. 이거 주세요.
This sentences means “Give me this” or “I will take this.” You can use this expression when you buy something. In addition, you can use this sentence pointing out food of the menu you want at the restaurant.

5. Jonun wegu guin imnida. / Jonun Migoo guin imnida. 저는 외국인입니다 / 저는 미국인입니다.
This means “I am a foreigner / I am American.” You can use this expression to say you are from another country (America).
Try a talk in Korean you learned today! We are sure you will be a master of the Korean language when you learn and practice the expression one by one!
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