Rules for Family and Housemates of People Subject to COVID-19 Self-Quarantine


COVID-19 patients continue to persist in Korea. Depending on the situation, self-quarantine may become necessary. What do you need to do if someone you live with is subject to self-quarantine? Let’s take a look at what family members or housemates should do when living together with someone during the self-quarantine period. You have to follow the proper living rules to prevent spreading COVID-19!

People subject to self-quarantine are those with COVID-19 symptoms such as a fever and coughs, been within a two meter radius of a confirmed COVID-19 patient, and/or received an examination at a screening center. In addition, everyone arriving from a foreign country is subject to self-quarantine.

Family members and housemates should avoid contact with persons subject to self-quarantine as much as possible, especially those with weak immune system (e.g., such as the elderly, pregnant women, young children and cancer patients). If possible, it is recommended to use separate spaces and ventilate common areas frequently. It is also recommended to use separate tableware, cups, towels, beddings, and other household items.

Items that are touched frequently, such as table tops, door knobs, bathroom fixtures, and keyboards, have to clean often. But most importantly, family members and housemates of people in self-quarantine should carefully monitor the state of the health of those in self-quarantine.

Lastly, washing your hands frequently and wearing a mask is of utmost importance. Make sure to wear a mask if you come into contact with a person in self-quarantine!

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