First Aid for Heat-related Illness


Heat-related illnesses are caused by prolonged exposure of extreme heat. The symptoms include headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, fatigue, and mental deterioration, fainting, seizures, etc. If you neglect these symptoms, heat-related illnesses can become life-threatening.

Senior citizens should be especially careful as they are highly likely to experience difficulties in adjusting high temperature and are more prone to have chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Therefore, stricter precautions should be exercised! Children and students should also avoid outdoor activities during heat waves. Parents and guardians should never leave children in the vehicle alone, even for a moment.

If someone experiences heat-related illnesses, the first thing you need to do is to remove him/her from the hot area. Then, loosen his/her clothes to cool the body. Next step is to let him/her drink a lot of fluids! If the symptoms do not fade even after this procedure, you need to call the ambulance by dialing 119. Furthermore, if a person becomes unconscious because of heat-related illnesses, call 119 first and then move the person to a cool place. Then, cool the person with water, cold compresses, an ice bath, or fans! However, be careful not to make unconscious people drink too much water as it may lead to suffocation.

In order to prevent heat-related illnesses from the hot weather, it is necessary to find ways to stay cool. You must take showers frequently and wear bright clothes. In addition, drink water regularly and frequently to stay hydrated. Last but not least, it is important to take a break or avoid outdoor activities during the hottest hours between noon and

We hope you spend the hot summer cool and healthy!

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