Delicious Korean Vietnamese Dish: Ssamchon Shabu Shabu [PIEF Foreign Reporter]

In the City Hall area near Osan Air Base, there is an unassuming restaurant that serves a delicious Korean take on a Vietnamese food. Ssamchon offers Shabu Shabu which is a hot pot dish where you cook meat and vegetables in a soup on the table and create your own rolls wrapped in rice paper.




Inside the restaurant they have tables and traditional Korean seating where you remove your shoes and sit on the floor. They offer Shabu Shabu with beef, pork, or both with or without the rice papers, and you can pick whether you would like the broth to be spicy or not. They also offer a discounted price for as a lunch deal!



Once you’ve ordered the meat you’d like, you then go to their self-service bar to pick the vegetables you want to cook in the hot pot and raw vegetables for the rolls. They have a variety of options to choose from including cabbage, bean sprouts, spinach, mushrooms, and onions. They will bring the hot pot to your table and add the broth which you put in the meat and vegetables as you’d like.

Shabu Shabu on the table

Self Service Vegetable Bar

Once the soup is cooked, you dip the rice papers into the boiling water to soften them before rolling. My partner told me the water is boiled with vegetables to give it the pinkish-red color, and it adds some health benefits. Afterwards you will place the rice paper over a special bowl that holds it up from touching the bottom of the plate and add whatever fillings you’d like in your roll. The key to a perfect roll is to get a much of the water off the rice paper before putting it onto the bowl. Otherwise, the paper will get to soft and break as you are trying to eat it. I did not realize that at first and ate quite a few that broke open while trying to pick them up!


Rice Papers

The vegetables, rice papers, and broth are unlimited, and you only pay more if you want additional meat. Once you’ve finished all the rolls you also can add rice noodles from the vegetable bar and then eat the remaining broth it as a regular soup! I was too stuffed by the time we finished ours to try it, but I will definitely be back and try it again!

Address: 경기도 평택시 이충로100번길79

This article is written by Shauna Sanford Smith a PIEF Foreign Reporter

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