Delectable coffee and a surrounding nature view?! From Hide Mill café, you can enjoy a delicious cup of specialty coffee and a healing forest nature scenery!

 The seating area of the café is constructed similarly to a greenhouse with clear glass windows on every side and corner, allowing you to intake the beauty of nature from any and every angle surrounding you.

There is also some umbrella table seating where you can enjoy your coffee right within nature's embrace. Sometimes during cooler-temperatured daytime or evening hours, the greenhouse seating area fully opens into an outdoor seating space, enabling customers to appreciate the great outdoors right from their seat.


Unlike most cafes, Hide Mill desires to set its focus and master the craft of specialty coffee roasting, making its menu consist of only a small selection of drinks to choose from and enjoy.


If you're looking for a small quiet, healing place to enjoy a premium-like cup of coffee, stop by Hide Mill for a visit!


[Menu Recommendation]

-Hide Mill Coffee (Dutch Latte)

-Mokjang Latte (Café Latte)



30 Gwangseung-gil, Cheongbuk-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do


[Business Hours]

Daily: 11:00 ~ 20:00