Did you know many Koreans spend a lot of time learning English starting at a young age?

In Korea, it is common for kids under 7 to go to day care center (어린이집) and kindergarten (유치원) before they enter the elementary school. Korean day care centers forcus on nursery care for children under 2 years old and kindergarten is a preschool educational institution for children. Kids are able to enter kindergarten once they are 3 years old (child must be 3 years old before enrolling into kindergarten).

Not surprisingly, there are a number of English kindergartens in Pyeongtaek as English is a key interest of many parents.

To get a better understanding, we visited Rise Kindergarten Sosabeol Campus, which is located near Hyosung Harrington Place apartment complex in Sosa-dong, to get a closer look. Their facilities are well equipped with the latest furniture and appliances. They have 10 classrooms with a max capacity of 12 kids per room. Regular classes run from 09:30 to 14:30, but care can be extended until 18:00 upon request. Two qualified teachers (one native speaker and one bilingual teacher) are assigned to classrooms together to make sure students even students new to English are able to adjust.

Although English kindergartens may not be the right answer, it is an option available for those who want to improve their kid’s English skills at an early age and English speakers who prefer the American education system.

[INFORMATION] English Kindergarten in Pyeongtaek

1) Rise Sosabeol Campus: https://www.instagram.com/rise_pt_sosabeol

2) Francis Parker: https://pt.francisparker.kr/branch/main

3) Worwick Franklin:  https://www.instagram.com/pt.worwick