How to use QR code for visiting high-risk facilities

To prevent diffusion of COVID-19, Korea has set some rules when you visit high-risk facilities. The high-risk facilities mean the places that are highly exposed to COVID-19 infection such as clubs and karaokes (Noraebang). For this reason, you are required to tag a QR code before entering the high-risk facilities. Pay attention to our tips. 

1. Firstly, search and download application "NAVER" in App store or Play store.

2. After downloading Naver, launch it and sign up for membership.

3. Click the QR check and agree to all terms and conditions. Verify your phone number.

4. If you see this screen, It's successfully done!  

Since the QR code disappears 15 seconds after, it is important to tag it as soon as possible. However, don’t worry too much if the QR code is gone, you can get it issued again!

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