Korean Level 1: Basic Korean conversation for beginners

You have just arrived in Korea. Let’s study basic Korean together. Korean Level 1 is especially designed for you! These sentences will be essential while living in Korea.

Today, we learn how to say hello. You use this expression very often during the day. Here go some basics of greeting. 

 1. 안녕하세요 (An nyeong hase yo)

You can use this sentence anytime you meet someone. It is used regardless of time, morning or evening. It means "Hi" or "Hello." 

 2. 감사합니다 (gam sa hab ni da)

This means "Thank you." You can use this sentence to express thanks to people.

  3. 미안합니다 (mi an hab ni da)

You can use this expression to say "I am sorry" when you made a mistake or did something wrong. To be more polite, you can say "joe song hab ni da (죄송합니다).“ You can use this to the elderly or when you meet someone for the first time.

 4. 얼마입니까? (eol ma ib ni kka?)

This is used when you buy some products. It means “How much is it?" Before you buy something, use this sentence to ask the price!

 5. ~~는 어디 있습니까? (eo di iss seub ni kka?)

This expression is most used when you ask a place like “Where is the toilet?”, “Where is the subway station?” Put the name of place in front of “eo di iss seub ni kka?” A Korean whose English is poor will indicate the place using body language.

 6. 맛있어요 (mas iss eoyo)

If you find some food tasty, use this expression! "mas iss eoyo". This means tasty. When you say it using a thumbs-up, this is even better.

These three sentences are key expressions while living in Korea. Practice pronunciation and express them whenever it is necessary. 

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