Preventative Measures for COVID-19 and How to Respond to Suspected Symptoms

Korea's COVID preventative measures caught global attention as “K-Prevention“. The spread of COVID-19 can only be prevented when citizen awareness and action function in tandem with governmental procedures. Let's take a look at the COVID-19 National Precautionary Measures provided by government authorities.

National Precautionary Measures

1. Wash hands carefully with soap and running water.

2. Cover mouth and nose with sleeves when coughing or sneezing.

3. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

4. Avoid contact with patients with fever and respiratory symptoms.

5. Wear a mask when visiting medical clinics.

6. Avoid visiting crowded places.

But what if COVID symptoms actually occur? Remain calm and follow the procedures below.

How to respond to suspected symptoms

1. Avoid going to school, work, or outdoors in general.

2. Take a good rest at home for 3-4 days, keeping track of improvement.

3. If a high fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher persists or symptoms worsen, consult the COVID-19 Call Center (1339, area code +120) and your local health center, then visit a COVID-19 screening center before seeking clinical treatment.

4. Wear a mask and use your personal vehicle when visiting the medical clinic.

5. Inform medical staff of any history of overseas travel or contact with people exhibiting respiratory symptoms.

6. Avoid going outdoors or visiting other COVID-infected areas. If you are in quarantine, follow the instructions of medical personnel and government authorities.

Let's all stay safe by wearing masks and following instructions provided by the authorities.

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