Today, we’re going to learn some frequently used words in Korea their meanings! While living in Korea, you have probably heard of Koreans repeating a few of the same words. Here are a few examples!

1. Jinjja (진짜)?

‘Jinjja?’ can be interpreted as ‘Really?’ Koreans frequently used the word when they hear something that is unheard-of or unbelievable.


2. Daebak (대박)

‘Daebak’ means ‘It’s lit!‘. The word ’daebak!‘ is used when expressing something that is really nice or cool. ’Daebak’ is often used as simply “daebak!” or with postpositions like “daebak-eya!” or “daebak-ida!”


3. Heol ()

’Heol‘ has the same meaning of “What the heck?” or “No way.” It is another form of expressing surprise besides ’Jinjja’. ‘Heol’ it can be used in the same sentence with the words ‘daebak’ or ‘jinjja,’ like “heol, daebak!“ or ”heol, jinjja?“


4. Umm... (.....)

Many Koreans often make the sound “Umm...” when they are contemplating. If you hear this sound, don’t think of it as humming, but as someone is thinking.

Other than the words above, Koreans speak to themselves quite often. They say “aigo (아이고)” or “eussha (으쌰)” when they stand up. They also say “baegopeuda (배고프다)” when they are hungry or “Ah~ baebureuda (~ 배부르다)” when they are full. In fact, it has been reported that many foreigners living in Korea are unknowingly influenced by Koreans and started to talk to themselves!

Today we learned about a few words that are frequently used in Korea! Besides expressing surprise, Koreans often repeat the same word to emphasize their feeling. For example, they say, “Heol, daebak! Daebak!” If you hear Koreans saying this next to you, try to react in the same way.