Excellence of Tap Water in Korea


Did anyone ever tell you that you can drink tap water in Korea? Korea has a well-developed water quality inspection system that implements the strict safety measures on testing 300 different items. Tests are conducted weekly or quarterly and individuals can also request water quality tests at their homes or offices.

Tap water in Korea is very safe to drink thanks to the thorough water quality inspections. But the water may have that slightly unpleasant taste of tap water, so it is recommended to boil the water, cool it, and then store it in your refrigerator before drinking. Drinking tap water can also help the environment quite significantly as it can reduce the use of plastic bottles and water purifiers. If you still don’t feel comfortable drinking the water itself, you may try and use the tap water to boil ramyeon or soups.

Korea’s tap water is so clean that the country is ranked 7th on the worldwide water taste evaluation. Korea’s tap water does not include a substance like lime so it is very clean and clear! If you were skeptical about drinking tap water because you are not in your own country, you can now feel safe drinking Korean tap water. :) However, if your pipes are too old, unhealthy substances inside the pipe can be mixed with the water. Thus, in that case, it is recommended to boil the water before drinking just to be extra safe!

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