City Lights Provide Festive Atmosphere for Evening Stroll [PIEF Foreign Reporter]


Reflections on city life

There are so many ways to enjoy outdoor time in the Fall season. With changing leaves, hiking and nature walks are popular here in Korea, but inside the city there are beautiful views as well. This month, we explored Baedari Park which is in the Sosabeol area of Pyeongtaek. Our plan was to find an area close by where we could admire the city lights after dark.

Baederi Park is a beautiful area with walking trails around a small lake. We parked at the Pyeongtaek Municipal Baedari Library which was nearby. (The sign on the library says it has an “American Corner” so we’ll be sure to go back for that another day). A very short walk led us from the library to the walking trail that goes in and around the park. Although we were looking for an evening activity, we went early to appreciate the gardens.

There are many photo ops at Baedari Park

Fall flowers

We enjoyed a stroll along the paths and admired the vibrant fall flowers, and then stopped at one of the many restaurants in the area for dinner. After we finished our meal, it was dark enough to appreciate the night sky views. Even though we simply walked the same area we’d come from, with the change from dusk to darkness, we enjoyed the park in a new way.

Lights and flowers brighten the path

Between the well-landscaped gardens by day, the sparkling city lights at night, and the many restaurants and coffee shops in the area, Baedari Park would be a fun place for a date night or a relaxing family evening.

City lights and glowing fountains under a full moon

This article is written by Rose Godfrey a PIEF Foreign Reporter

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