In-Home Heating Safety Tips to Consider for the Winter


As the winter’s nerve-chilling frigid temperatures continue to roll in, it’s a call for most of us to blast on our heating systems and stay cozy. However, in order to do this safely without leaving any risks that could leave you or your home in tragedy. Here are some safety tips to put into action as you prepare to get out your heating devices to get through this winter and ensure your safety and proper use of your devices!

1. Keep Flammable Items Away!

The wrong exposure to heating devices such as stoves, space heaters, and specific heat pads is one of the major causes of unwanted home fires during the winter season. Maintain a decent distance from flammable items and keep small children and pets away. Always make sure to turn them off after use and never leave the area/room when using them from your home’s furnace and ensure good airflow around the unit.


2. Always Keep Boiler Intact & Safe

Before the cold plunge of winter’s frigid weather, it is always best to have your home heating boiler professionally inspected annually. Test-running heating systems powered by the boiler before regular and continuous use is also advisable, as you can detect any signs of malfunctions.

3. Unplug After Use

After use of any heating items, such as heating pads, space heaters, etc., it is highly advised to unplug them after prolonged use, especially before leaving the house or going to bed.


4. Maintain Decent In-Home Temperature

Though most of us would like to keep our heaters blasting throughout the whole duration of the winter as our instinct to survive and hibernate, it is recommended to keep an average indoor temperature at about 18°C ~ 20°C (about 65°F to 70°F ) to not ‘overburden your heating systems. Wear layers, drink hot beverages, and eat warm foods to make up for the rest of the warmth!

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