Everywhere, anywhere in the world, people grow in and out of clothes and accessories. An inevitable occurrence when humans inevitably grow and find different interests and clothing styles. 

Allowing for the creation of a new business: thrift stores. Thrift stores accept donations of used clothing, hats, shoes, bags, and other accessories from the public to be resold at much cheaper prices. 

South Korea is known for its fashionable and trendy clothing, inspiring hundreds of thousands of other youth. That is why when you visit Korea, it is not only important to try the food, buy some skincare and makeup, and visit its cafes, but you have to go shopping for clothes! Small businesses, brands, and unique pieces of clothing will not ever be found outside of Korea so you have to take advantage of the chance you have when you visit. 

And sometimes, Korean stores can sell their products from expensive, non-negotiable, and impossible prices, so the next best option is to buy it cheaper! In thrift stores here, owners always make sure to wash and dry it before placing it out to sell, so you do not ever have to worry about the clothes being clean. 

Often, you can find the owner steaming and folding clothes to keep the store and products clean. There are so many stores that can be found all over Korea, but in expensive cities like Seoul, even used and older clothes can be sold for ten or twenty dollars, so visit Korea Salvation Shop in Pyeongtaek where all of the clothes are under ten! 

Not everything may be in your style, but when you find something you like, at least you know you got it for a great price!

Korea Thrift Shop (#코리아구제샵)
📍 74-2, Pyeongtaek-ro, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do
경기도 평택시 평택로 74-2
📸 Youngsun Kwon & Jade Yoon, Pyeongtaek Insight Content Reporter 
Naver Map Link: https://naver.me/FYA28Bdw