Prevent Freezing Water Meters

1. Keep water flowing by leaving a tap slightly open during extremely cold weather.

2. Insulate the water meter box with materials like used clothing, seal with vinyl wrapping, and close the lid.

3. Wrap exterior pipes tightly with insulation material.

4. If pipes freeze, thaw slowly with warm water (30-40°C), avoiding temperatures above 50°C, torches, or hair dryers.

Prevent Fire Hazards from Heating Equipment

1. Check cables and power cords before using stored heating equipment.

2. Use products certified to meet safety standards.

3. Unplug heating equipment when leaving home.

4. Keep flammable items away from heating equipment.

5. Avoid using electric blankets with multiple layers. And store electric blankets rolled up, not folded.

For frozen water meters, call 120 and for fire emergencies, call 119.