Summer Funtivity Classes


Summer Funtivity Classes are Now Recruiting!

We are recruiting participants for July Funtivity Classes, where citizens and USFK families can enjoy fun activities together in the hot summer!

❍ When: July 5 (Fri) ~ July 19 (Fri) *Check out the schedule
 ❍ Where: Paengseong International Community Center Culture&Arts Wing
 ❍ Who: USFK affiliated personnel & Pyeongtaek citizens & foreigners
 ❍ Fee: Complimentary
 ❍ About: 
   1) Martial Arts for Self-Defense “Be an Action Star in a movie scene”
   2) Fantastic Magic “A simple magic trick that will surprise everyone"
 ❍ Application:
 ❍ Inquiry: 010-9124-7666

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