Introducing the romantic Pyeongtaek Lake Drive-in Theater!


Unable to freely enjoy the outdoors because of COVID-19, aren't you feeling stuffy staying at home all the time? You can enjoy the outdoors if you maintain social distancing to make sure you're safe from COVID-19. That's why we'll introduce a location where you can have a little fun without being in contact with people. It's the number 1 most visited drive-in theater, Pyeongtaek Lake Drive-in Theater in Pyeongtaek.

The Pyeongtaek Lake Drive-in Theater has a lake in front of it, so you can enjoy the movie even more deeply. When you arrive at the entrance, you'll be able to see a screen that shows the times and which movie is being played. Please note, the fee is 18,000 won per car! In order to not distract other vehicles, it'll be good to arrive 30 minutes prior to screening. Large cars such as passenger vehicles have separate spaces, so please park according to the operating guidelines!

In order to focus on the movie, when entering, you must turn your headlights off. If there isn't that feature for your car, you'll need to hang a cover over the headlights before entering. If you want to watch the movie, you need to match the radio frequency for the sound to be heard in the car and you'll be able to watch the movie on the screen in front. Pyeongtaek Lake Drive-in Theater has a lot of convenient facilities nearby for use. You also can't forget about the snack bar nearby that lets you enjoy the movie happily while eating delicious food!

You also know to put any leftover trash in the trash can right? Hopefully, everyone will be able to watch the movie happily through everyone's considerate manners!

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