Food remedies for seasonal rhinitis


As autumn arrives, the temperature difference between the night and day has become severe. During the changing season, the climate is dry and prone to outbreaks of various diseases such as cold and rhinitis due to rapid changes in temperature. Today, we will introduce foods that are good for rhinitis, one of the most common symptoms of the changing season. 

Fish is the first food item for preventing rhinitis. Rich in calcium and other nutrients, fish is good for preventing cold, rhinitis, and inflammation. In particular, fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, and salmon are great. You can find fish at any grocery store, and if it is difficult to cook it, you can also visit a restaurant.

The second item is black beans. Also effective for preventing rhinitis, black beans have higher nutrients than other beans. They contain vitamin B and essential amino acids, which strengthen blood vessels, help reduce cough and phlegm, and are effective in strengthening immunity. Try Korean food made of black beans, such as black bean rice and kongjaban (black beans simmered in soy sauce)!

Finally, green tea is another great rhinitis fighter. Known to be effective in reducing inflammation, green tea can be purchased at affordable prices at convenience stores and supermarkets. Some products are available as tea bags and can be consumed conveniently, while others are available as in powder and brewed separately in a tea infuser. Other hot teas such as ginger tea and ginseng tea are also effective against rhinitis!

Another great way to prevent the illness is by eating fresh fruits. By consuming healthy food, we can boost our immunity and prevent contracting rhinitis or other diseases. For the COVID-19 situation we're in at the moment, please wash your hands after coming home and don't forget to wear a mask when going out.

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