How to Save on Heating Costs in the Upcoming Winter


As the weather gets colder, more homes are starting to turn on their boilers. Today, we will share some tips to save on heating bills for the upcoming winter.

First, when turning on the heat, maintain a constant temperature. Many people tend to turn off their heater when going out and then turn the heater back on when they return. But if you are going out just for a short while, then it is better not to turn off your heater. This is because a lot of gas is used for a heater that is momentarily turned off to heat up the cold home again. Therefore, if you are stepping out of your house for not too long, it is better to just keep the heater on a constant temperature rather than repeatedly turning on and off your heater.

The second tip is to stop cold outside wind from coming into the house. Blocking outside wind can reduce heat loss, and thus naturally conserve heating costs. One way to block the cold outside wind from coming in is to install a heavy curtain or to open curtains during sunny days to take in the sunlight. Many Koreans purchase bubble wrap and attach them to windows by spraying water onto the window glass to prevent heat from escaping the room.

The third tip is to only set hot water when having to use hot water. Boilers cost more for hot water than heating the room. Water is discarded after use, so when turning on hot water again, the water has to be boiled again, and therefore, the boiler is activated for a longer time. That is why you can save on heating costs just by heating water only when actually using hot water.

Lastly, check your boiler regularly. You should always know the state of your boiler so that you will know whether there is a problem with your boiler. If it is not managed well, gunk can build up in the filter or heat could be lost. Therefore, regularly replace hot water, clean pipes and filter, and receive scheduled maintenance inspections.

We hope that you practice effective heating methods so that you may spend the upcoming winter warmly.

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