Koreans say they age one more year when they eat tteokguk (rice cake soup) in the new year. Family members gather together to eat this soup on New Year's Day. Today, we will talk about the origin of tteokguk and how to cook it.

Slices of garaetteok are used to make tteokguk. Garaetteok refers to white rice cakes that are long and cylindrical. Tteokguk is made of garaetteok to wish longevity, represented by its long shape. Also, the round shape of sliced garaetteok symbolizes the wish for wealth.

It is very easy to cook tteokguk. First, make the broth by boiling dried anchovies and kelp in water. Then, add rinsed tteok to the soup base. If the rice cake was frozen, it's better to thaw it in water for over 30 minutes before boiling it. When the soup boils, add beaten eggs and gently stir it so it doesn't become a lump. Lastly, season it with salt. Sprinkle with crushed gim (laver) to garnish.

Tteokguk pairs nicely with kimchi. Often, dumplings and beef are also added to tteokguk. Instead of garaetteok, the small and round-shaped joraengitteok may be used.

We hope you have a nice closure of the remaining 2020, and try making some tteokguk with your family to celebrate the upcoming 2021!