Similar to the United States, elementary schools in Korea have designated school zones. School zones serve to protect children from car accidents. School zones have CCTVs installed, and have traffic lights painted in yellow for increased visibility. As a safety initiative for children, a “yellow carpet” was recently introduced to bring higher awareness and visibility to drivers in school zones.  

“Yellow carpets” are painted by crosswalks in school zones for commuting children.

They are painted in yellow on the sidewalks of crosswalks to make children crossing the street more visible to approaching drivers. Solar-powered lamps are installed to make the area equally bright and visible at night using the heat energy stored during the daytime.

30 km/h speed limit must be observed in school zones. There is a stiffer penalty imposed within school zones as there are more severe implications for children’s safety in school zones. For passenger vehicles, the penalty for traffic light violations on non-school zone roads is 70,000 won, whereas the fine rises to 130,000 won on school zone roads. For speed limit violations, the fines within school zones will cost approximately double than non-school zones. Always practice safe driving!

School zone fines are in effect from 8 A.M to 8 P.M. If you are in violation outside of these hours, then you will be fined in accordance with the non-school zone penalties. When you see a “yellow carpet” or yellow traffic lights, you are in a school zone so your extra, undivided attention at the wheel is required!

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