How to Evacuate and Respond during Typhoons


Typhoon is a violent tropical storm with maximum wind speeds of 17m/s. As typhoons are usually accompanied by strong winds and heavy rainfall, they can cause not only property damages, but also casualties. Therefore, it is important to follow the safety measures in advance and take special precautions during the typhoon season.


According to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of Korea, taping the windows of tall buildings is a great way to prevent property damages caused by typhoons. When applying the tape, you should fasten the window glass to the window frame so that the glass does not shatter by wind. In addition, make sure to check whether there is a gap between thr window frames. If so, fill the gap in advance. 


Another way of minimizing the glass breakage is applying a sheet of wet newspaper on large glass windows. This method can disperse high wind pressure! Thus, it is important to continuously spray water on newspaper so that it does not get dry.


If you are outside during the typhoon, you should walk far away from building signs or dangerous facilities that can be blown away by strong winds. You should especially be careful of manholes because during typhoons, the manhole cover can sometimes spring upwards. And if you are inside the building, it is safer to use the stairs than the elevator.


Moreover, if there is anything around your home that might be blown away by the wind, move them out from home in advance. If it is something that cannot be moved, it is important to tie it down firmly. Also, if you have a pet that you raise outdoors, bring your pet into home.

Typhoons can cause black-outs. Thus, it is important to prepare first-aid kits, flashlights, water, and some emergency food ahead of the time. Also, make sure to fill up your car with gas!


Typhoons are not unusual in September and October. If the weather forecast anticipates a strong typhoon, make sure to prep in advance to avoid any injury or damage!

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