Jari: A Flower and Coffee Cafe [PIEF Foreign Reporter]


This month I went to a floral arraignment class. The flower café is located right by a park on a calmer street, my children were able to play outside while I took class. When we arrived the covid check in was simple and easy with a quick temperature check and sign in sheet. Before class started our instructor took our drink order, I tried a new type of juice, KIWI! There were also options for a variety of teas and coffees. The café smelled amazing.

Our table was set up with all the materials needed to make a beautiful floral center piece and we had step by step instructions written out in Korean. Our instructor did not speak any English, however she was able to demonstrate each step clearly.

Step one was to get the floral foam ready, you gently place it into water and allow the foam to absorb water, do not push it down or you will displace a lot of water and need to do a quick clean up. Next, we trimmed our floral foam to fit into the basket. The third step was to start placing the filler flowers all over to start covering the floral foam.

Fourth step was to add the statement flowers. Finally, I finished my design with the rest of the filler flowers to give my floral design a look of fullness.

I love flowers, I love arranging flowers and this café is an excellent place to go on a date, or lunch out with a few friends. The peaceful atmosphere, delicious smells, and hands on flower arranging make this café one to visit for an uplifting and emotionally joyful experience.

The cost of class was 40,000Won/person

Phone number: 031.618.6522/010.6460.7990

Naver blog: vjun1@naver.com

Address: 경기 평택시 청북읍 안청로814-6 1

This article is written by Naomi Jacobs a PIEF Foreign Reporter

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