What to Do in Case of a Car Accident


What do you have to do when you are involved in a car accident in Korea? The first thing you need to do is to stop the car immediately and remain at the scene. If not, the accident can be wrongfully comprehended as hit-and-run. If you are in dangerous situations like spotting any hazardous materials on the road or at the risk of catching the fire, then you can pull over the car onto the shoulder. Otherwise, you must not leave the accident site. Today, we will share the detailed information about how to properly handle car accidents in Korea.

When the car clashes, you should first check and see if anyone is seriously injured. If so, you must call the police (112) or an ambulance (119) immediately. Then, you should turn on your emergency lights so that other cars can speed down or detour. If you have a warning triangle, place it 100 meters from your car. If the accident happens at night, place it 200 meters behind your car to prevent the secondary accident!

Once you are done with the procedures above, you should check the condition of your car. Make sure to take photos of the accident site, skid marks of both cars, the license plates, etc! Also, take multiple photos of the damaged part of your car from different angles, as they will be the helpful evidence for reports.


If your car fell in deep water, release your seat belt and take off your shoes and clothes so that you can swim easily. Check and see if there is any item that can help you float better. If you are unable to escape from the car, you have to wait until the water fills up the car. It will minimize the the pressure difference and make the doors open easier. Before exiting from the car, take deep breaths for three or four times, so that you can hold your breath longer in the water!


Keep in mind that the most important thing is to drive safe! Drive within the speed limit and always follow safety precautions to prevent any potential accidents!

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