Winter in Korea brings picturesque scenes of snow-covered landscapes and festive melodies, yet it also ushers in the biting cold known as 'Hanpa'. This term refers to sudden drops in temperature during winter, posing risks to those living on the outskirt areas of Korea, early birds, and night owls. To ensure safety, the country issues cold wave alerts, crucial for everyone's well-being.

Despite the harshness of winter, Koreans are well-prepared. Here are essential items to combat Hanpa:

Layered Clothing : Begin with thermal underwear and layer up with sweaters before donning a long-padded coat. While this keeps your central body warm, additional measures are recommended.

Hot Packs : Available at grocery stores, these hand warmers endure temperatures of 40~70 degrees Celsius and can last up to 18 hours. They provide extra warmth and comfort against the biting cold!

Transportation Comfort : Korea's primary transportation, subways, offers respite from the cold with heated indoor stations and cars. However, taking the bus presents challenges due to outdoor stations exposed to extreme cold. Fortunately, many local bus stations now feature heated seats, ensuring a warmer wait for commuters.

By following these measures—layered clothing, hot packs, and utilizing heated seats at bus stops—Hanpa can be comfortably navigated. Korea's readiness for the freezing cold ensures that you'll be equipped to embrace winter's challenges!