How to Protect Yourself from Spring Allergies


The freezing winter has passed, and the warm spring has begun. In the spring, we need to be cautious of various allergies. One of the most common symptoms is allergic rhinitis (hay fever). While it's not a fatal disease, you may suffer from a constantly runny nose, headache, and fever if not treated. With the recent spread of COVID-19, it's all the more important to take care of your health.

[How to Prevent Spring Allergies]

1. Maintain Good Personal Hygiene

To protect your immune system, you must maintain good personal hygiene. After coming home, you should always wash your hands and feet thoroughly because you may have been be exposed to various bacteria and viruses. Also, in between seasons, it is recommended to gargle for 30 seconds after brushing your teeth for bacteria in the mouth can lead to rhinitis, cold, or tonsillitis.

2. Eat Foods that Increase Immunity

Immunity is key to staying healthy. Koreans eat garlic and kimchi to increase immunity. The chemical compound called allicin in garlic has antiviral and antibacterial effects. Koreans often pair garlic with grilled meat or stew. Lactobacillus in kimchi is also known to help your intestines clean. If it's difficult to eat spicy kimchi, try baek kimchi (white kimchi)!

3. Drink Warm Tea

Ginger tea and jujube tea are known to be good for allergic rhinitis. Ginger is rich in vitamin C and magnesium, which have an anti-allergic effect. Drinking warm ginger tea frequently increases immunity and can alleviate symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, and phlegm. Jujube tea is rich in vitamins A, B, C and calcium to reduce the nasal inflammation. It also helps your blood circulation!

We hope you stay healthy in the spring with these preventive measures for spring allergies! 

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