Protective Gears and Safety Rules for Skiing


The winter sports season has arrived! Although there are many winter sports that people have been longing to enjoy, the most-waited sports must be skiing. As people frequently visit ski resorts during the winter, you should be extra careful about your own safety and social distancing. Today, we will take a look at essential protective gears and safety rules for skiing.

The most essential items for skiing are ski clothes, helmets, gloves, and protective gears. Collisions and falls occur very often while skiing, so you should make sure to wear protective equipments to prevent injuries. Wearing ski socks are important, too! Regular socks or sleep socks can be wet very easily which eventually lowers your body temperature really quickly and cause hypothermia. Therefore, you should always wear ski socks when skiing.

In addition, wear goggles or UV-blocking glasses to prevent snow blindness, and make sure to rest once in a while. It is also a good idea to apply sunblock with SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher frequently.

You should also stretch your muscles as it can prevent serious injuries. Loosen your joints and muscles and wear protective gear that fits you. Furthermore, enjoying thrills is always fun, but you should choose the right slope for your ski level to enjoy skiing safely. Lastly, you should avoid using smartphones or earphones when skiing.

When getting on the lift, board according to the instructions of the staff. Do not move or shake the lift and make sure to keep your belongings safe. When arriving, follow the instructions of the staff again and get off slowly.

Before wrapping up, we would like to introduce you a charm of visiting a ski resort in Korea! Don’t forget to eat cup nooodles during the ski break. Having warm and spicy cup noodles will taste even better than usual!


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